Do Not Fear the Wind

Fear not! Wow, so much crazy stuff is happening in the world. A person could get nervous or even start to have fear if we are not careful. Do you have an issue with fear in your life? Whether small or large, it can even get to the point of ruling in our lives. For me it was the fear of man!

In Mark 6:49-51, the guys were out on the lake and a wild storm descended upon them. They were overcome by fear; then out came Jesus walking on the water. Fear is part of who we are and can protect us at times. But here Jesus comes strolling along, and tells them to not be afraid. The storm (life) was still crashing around them (problems of life), and Jesus told them not to fear. “Take courage” “Be of good cheer”. Here the boat is probably half full of water, and the guys are soaking cold. Now their Lord says cheer up. Has anyone ever done that to you - when all you want to do is cry or scream or just go to bed? Cheer up, put on a smiley face. No way!

You see, Jesus told them not to fear because He was with them! Not because the storm had stopped! When will we figure this out? God and us is the thing; not what He can do for us. He wants us to have a great peace (Philippians 4:7) when all this stuff falls on us in life. He has given us power, love, and a sound mind not binding up fear. He, His love, who He is, will get rid of that fear that has bound us (1 John 4:18).

I encourage all of us to have courage in Christ. Realize He has full sight, so His view of safe is different than ours. There are many things I have no answer for. But I do know there are no other arms to hold you and love you more than His! Remember next time the storms of life are about to sink you – what you really need is Jesus!


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