Sexual Assault in the church and the way forward
Yesterday my youngest daughter reminded me of one of my life
proverbs, "Take responsibility and take responsibility for your
actions." This old military saying reminds us that adults are responsible
to provide leadership and are also responsible for the decisions that they
make. Unfortunately there is a chronic issue that has caused churches,
Christian colleges and denominations to break out in a cold sweat. That issue
is sexual abuse.
Already I can see some folks will want to stop reading and
pull up a nice quote about puppies or playful kittens, but this simply supports
the problem. As long as the local church tolerates sexual immorality, adultery
and abuse it will be unable to address our culture's rejection of the Gospel.
I experienced this problem of churches refusing to deal with
longstanding sexual issues when I pastored a church in Idaho. There was a
church member who for years had abused his granddaughters. I reported the crime
to the police. The negative response from the church was huge. They said,
"What good will sending him to prison do now?" "It was so long
ago, and besides it was only sex." My response to those questions then, as
it is now is this; it will benefit the victim helping her/him to understand
that they were victims. Psychologically and spiritually this is huge and it
will help the victim begin the healing process. It will help the church.
Members will see that the local church is serious about protecting people and
it is serious about calling Christians to a holy walk. It will help unbelievers
see the holiness of God, the purity of the local church, its seriousness about
following Christ, and the implications of the Gospel. It will allow the
criminal/perpetrator to understand how deeply they have offended God before the
world, the church, their family and how they have sinned against themselves.
Prosecuting the perpetrator also provides them the opportunity to repent, turn
to Christ, find forgiveness and begin the process of reconciliation as they
serve their time in prison.
Often there are two responses, both of which are based on
bad theology. The first is that bringing immorality into the light will hinder
the Gospel. The 7th Commandment is a command against sexual actions outside of
marriage. Jesus tells us that lust, let alone sexual immorality is a grievous
sin. The Apostle Paul condemned the sexual sins of the Church at Corinth.
Exposing sin does not hinder the Gospel, rather it promotes the Gospel. It
shows that our God is real, He is to be feared, that we love and obey Him and
that His commands are understood to be for His glory and our best.
The second error is that we are saved by grace, so our sin
'doesn't really count.' The church throughout its 2,000 year history has done a
lot of stupid things. One of the worse is believing that since one is saved by
grace and is a saint in heaven that it is alright to live like the devil on
earth. A constant theme in the New Testament is "examine yourself" to
see by your belief, your attitudes and your actions that you are really a Child
of God, a follower of Christ. A young pastor shared the story of a man who was
involved in adultery, and he was a church member. When the pastor questioned
his relationship with Christ the man pointed to the prayer he prayed when he
was young. So he thought his eternal destiny was secure. The young pastor
pointed out the error of his thinking. There was nothing in his adult life that
pointed to a commitment to Christ, other than the fact that when he was young
he had prayed a prayer and had been put on the church's membership role. The fellow’s
life, attitudes and actions pointed to a man who had no desire to live for
Christ. That man is looking towards eternal disaster if he does not repent and
follow Christ.
Many in the Church will not do two things necessary to
become a Christian. They will not acknowledge that they are not God. The
universe does not revolve around them. The second thing is that they must
acknowledge that Jesus is God and pledge their eternal allegiance to Him. If
one is not willing to do those two things then they may be a lot of things, but
a Christian they are not.
While serving as a Chaplain at a state prison one of the
prisoners told me that his crime was not his fault. He blamed his crime on the
seductive actions of the 6 year old girl. The sad thing is that many of the
church members had taken his side. One of the common operational methods of
sexual predators is their Angel/Monster lifestyles. Many offenders have a
public personality that is exemplary. This is done on purpose. When they act as
a monster abusing someone the victim is often confronted with rejection. The
victim MUST be making it up, So and So is a leader in the church and such a
good person. Even when faced with overwhelming evidence many people are somehow
convinced that what they see in public is the sum total of a person's
personality. Any police officer will tell you that church people can commit
crimes like everyone else.
Recently a student of mine asked for advice about an issue.
She told me that her pastor had asked her to perform oral sex on him. She was
devastated. The next time she met with the pastor she brought her sister. The
pastor propositioned her sister. What the pastor did not know was that this
student had chosen prior to that meeting to record it on her phone. After the
second meeting she came and spoke to me. I encouraged her to fill out a report
and contact the denomination. Although there is a lot more to the story the
conclusion is that the denomination's rule book is very clear on this subject.
In response to the evidence they removed the pastor. The pastor and his wife
will be required to receive counseling. Depending on the outcome of the
counseling and the denominations verdict it is questionable if this pastor will
ever return to full time ministry. Please understand what the victim and the
response of the denomination were very good. Sin was addressed, victims were supported,
God is honored, a perpetrator and his family is getting help and the world is
hearing that the church of Christ is not a social club but a holy place.
There is a lot more that could be addressed on this subject.
We could address the rampant problem of adultery in Protestant/Evangelical
churches. The insanity of some Christian parents who force their daughters to
get an abortion so that they will not be embarrassed in front of their friends.
The toleration of Churches towards predatory Youth Pastors who date and/or
abuse the church kids. The toleration of Churches to allow immoral young adults
to continue to prey on the vulnerable in the church, and you know there is
There are simply two calls to action that I would like to
propose to you. The first is to repent before God and the church for our lazy
response to sexual sin. God is holy, and He will not tolerate our immoral
actions for long. Second, work with other Christian groups to identify sexual
predators and keep them out of ministry positions. At the very least do these
two things; 1. Have every person who works with children or youth go through a
criminal background check, and 2. Make it a mandatory policy that no male staff
member be alone with anyone of the opposite sex except their wife. Unless a
minister is a professional therapist the potential for problems when these
boundaries are not followed are huge.
Christ is calling His church to be holy. There is a way
forward that addresses sexual sin in the church, that honors Christ and that
confronts the world with the unchanging Gospel. The way forward does not allow
us to do things the way it has always been done. We must act! We must protect
the weak and vulnerable! We must confront sin in the church! Soldiers of Christ
arise, a world in ruin needs you!
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